Monday 10 May 2021

Maths - Efficient Strategy

LI: To find the most efficient strategy to answer a question.

An efficient stratety in maths is the technique that you understand the most and find easiest to use. It is the strategy that uses the least steps to find the answer to a problem. Efficient means the quickest and simplest of something.

For our Maths lesson last week, our objective was to work on finding the most efficient strategy to solve maths problems. We solved two different maths equations using methods we are familiar with and understand more than others.

The first question was: 'In the car park you can get 15 minutes for 10c. Dad put a 20c and a 50c piece into the parking meter at 3.15pm. At what time did the parking meter expire?'. I solved by adding the amount of cents that dad put into the parking meter, converting it into meters and adding it onto 3.15pm. The answer was 5.00pm.

The second question was: 'If a shopkeeper bought 75 apples for $37.50, and sold each apple for 65 cents each, how much profit did the shopkeeper make?' I solved this by divided the amount of money he bought 75 apples for and worked out how much profit he made. Then I worked out how much more money he sold all the apples for. The answer was $48.75 and made $11.25 profit.

The final part of our task was to solve how much money the theatres would make if all the threatres were fully booked. The information we used to solve this problem is that there are 3 theatres and each theatre has 150 seats. Children cost $12.50 each and adults cost $15 each. Kids must come with an adult. We showed our strategy on a DLO.

I enjoyed this maths lesson because I was able to practice using strategies I am and am not familiar with as well as finding the most efficient strategy to solve complex maths problems. I was able to share the strategy I used and help others.

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