Thursday 20 May 2021

Financial Capabilities

LI: To plan a night out that fits within the given budget of $45.00.

For maths, we continued to focus on progressing our understanding and conversion of data information to find out the answers to financial equations. Our focus for maths is currently around financial capabilities.

Our task was to use the information and understanding we are given to solve equations based on saving and spending money for a Kids Museum trip. Once I worked out the strategy I would use, I wrote down how I solved it on a whiteboard and rewrote my technique into my maths book so I could later understand how I used the data to solve a complex maths equation based off of money focus.

I enjoyed this activity and found it easy because I am familiar with working around financial capabilities and am good with converting what I understand from data and convert it into an answer using different maths strategies to find an answer.

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