Friday 11 December 2020

Badge Bidding

Over the year, LS1 has been badge bidding for CARE (confidence, attitude, respect and excellence and innovation) awards.

There are three different badge levels that a person can be rewarded. The different badge levels are bronze, silver and gold.

Bronze is an average level where a person can just display a skill and explain why they deserve this badge. A person can be rewarded with bronze confidence, attitude, respect or excellence and innovaton by showcasing their abilities.

Silver is a higher level where a person should display a skill that is harder to develop and explain the reasons why they deserve this badge and why they think it is better than bronze. A person can be rewarded with silver confidence, attitude, respect or excellence and innovation by showcasing a talent.

Gold is the highest level, in which a person has to display a skill that others may not be able to achieve or will take longer to achive. They must also explain the many reasons why they think they deserve this badge and why it is better than silver.

To badge bid, each person in the group takes a turn in saying which CARE award they are bidding for and if it is bronze, silver or gold. That person should then move onto saying why they deserve this badge and why it is better than the previous value.

After everyone has said what they are bidding for, everybody in the group gets a chance to ask questions and potentially add to their presentation. Then, one person at a time votes for a person and explains why they voted for that person.

I earned bronze confidence, attitude, respect and excellence and innovation. I won these because I displayed a certain ability and proved to my group that I deserved this badge.

I enjoyed displaying different skills in order to gain a CARE award. One thing I think I could work on is working harder and displaying a skill that is difficult to develop. I think that I could've earned more badges this year.

LI: to display a skill and gain reward.

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