Friday 18 June 2021

Topic 4 - Floating and Sinking

LI: to experiment with buoyancy and floatation.


For tech, we were focusing on testing the buoyancy of different weighted objects and making educated predictions using our knowledge of floatation.

We began our tech session by discussing the meaning of and defining the words float, sink and semi-float. We talked about why some things float, sink or semi-float. We watched a video that explained these words in a clear way and we wrote down notes that would help us in the future.

After this, we started by writing the aim or purpose of this scientific exploration and the equipment we would need to perform the experiment. We created a table of contents and wrote down the name of the objects we performed the experiment on and the size, weight and composition of those objects. We predicted whether they would float, sink or submerge in water and then recorded the results after the experiment was performed.

For the experiment, we filled a bucket up with 2/3 of water and measured, weighed and researched the objects. My partner and I started by putting the smallest objects into the bucket of water first and recording the results in order from smallest to largest.

I found this experiment interesting because I had never tested and experiment about floatation and I had a lot of fun with this scientific exploration. One thing that I learnt from this science lesson was that the buoyancy depends on the density of the object. I found this fact interesting and cool.

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