Tuesday 10 November 2020

Maths | Sharing Understandings

This week, we discussed what we had learned over the past weeks with another person who learnt something different.

First, we recalled what we learnt in week 1. We found someone that learnt a different skill than us in week 1 and discussed with our partner the strategies we used, the steps we took and how we used that skill to solve an problem. My partner learnt how to convert measurements.

What I learnt from my partner was that when converting km to m, divide by 1000. When converting m to cm, divide by 100, and when converting cm to mm, divide by 10. I also learnt that to convert mm to cm, divide by 10. To convert cm to m, multiply by 100, and to convert m to km, multiply by 1000.

Next, we switched partners based on the skills we learnt in week 2. The skills we learnt in week 2 were time, money, multiplication and geometry. We talked about what the skill is, and how you use that skill to solve an equation. My partner learnt about geometry.

What I learnt from my partner was that vertices are where edges and sides meet. Edges are lines helping form a side. Rotation is just turning the shape so you can see the shape from a different angle. Reflection is flipping the shape the opposite way. Transformation is the impact of changing the form of a shape.

I enjoyed this weeks task and sharing my understanding with someone else. I also enjoyed learning about new maths skills and knowing how to use them.

LI: to share and discuss our understandings.

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