Thursday 5 November 2020

Commenting Thread

Commenting Thread is an expanded conversation between two people that consists of a greeting, positive feedback and an open question. The different between an open question and a closed question is that an open question requires more thinking to give an answer and it expands the conversation. A closed question only needs a few words for an answer, and it does not expand the conversation.

This week I comment threaded with O'ninesha on her blog post about formality. She chose to talk about the difference between informal and formal language.

First, I asked her what some examples are for formal and informal language, and what kinds of situations she would use that language in. Then, she replied and asked if I was familiar with formal and informal situations, and what some examples are. After that, I replied and asked if she had been in an any informal situation and how she could make that situation formal. She gave an answer and thanked me for starting the comment thread.

I enjoyed comment threading with O'ninesha and I enjoyed talking to O'ninesha about the different examples of formality that can be used in certain conversations and situations.

 LI: to use open questions to expand a conversation.

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