Friday 21 December 2018

WWF | Animal Saving

LI: Watch a clip, and explain the name of the animal they are trying to save, and what they're doing to help.

Clip #1: They are trying to save Saimaa Freshwater Seals, and they are making snowbanks FOR the seals.

Clip #2: They are trying to save the Tigers. They are donating to try and save tigers and they are training to protect the lives of tigers.


  1. Kia Ora Bella,

    Thanks for completing this activity! Seals and tigers are both great creatures so I love to see that they are doing things to help them. Which is your favourite of the two?
    Could you tell me, is the WWF being successful in their attempts to save the animals? I don't want to lose them!
    If I could go back and save two animals from extinction, I'd choose the moa and huia. How about you?

    talk to you soon
    - lee

  2. Hello Bella,

    Thanks for completing another SLJ activity. You have been doing great during these school holidays. I enjoyed reading this blog post. It gave me a lot of great information about the clips that you watched. Did you enjoy this task?


  3. Hi Bella!
    I like your blog post about WWF. I like how you linked the Videos that you had to watch. You are doing an amazing job at the SLJ activities this year. Do you know any facts about the Saimaa Seals?
    Blog you later!


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