Tuesday 22 September 2020

Measuring time | Statistical Investigation

Rounding is a maths strategy that simplifies the numbers in a problem by converting the digits to the closest one, ten, hundred etc. Addition is the process of adding a number to another number. Division shares a certain amount of something equally.

If a digit is within 0-4, people should know that the number should round down. If a digit is 5-9, the number should round up. If rounding to one decimal for example, 28.79. The last decimal digit in this number is '9'. 9 is higher than five, so 79 rounds up to 8 which represents 80. The rounded decimal would become 21.8.

Adding decimal numbers is similar to normal addition. For example, 9.23 + 2.54. People should start by adding the last decimals, 0.03 + 0.04 = 0.07. Then the tens decimal, 0.20 + 0.50= 0.70. 0.70 + 0.07= 0.77. Then the wholes are added, 9 + 2= 11. The total becomes 11.77. However, if the decimal total equals over than 100, it becomes a whole. So a number such as 0.127 would become 1.27.

Dividing a decimal number can also be the same as dividing a whole number. For example, 75.30 divided by 5. People should start by dividing 75 by five to make 15, because 15 x 5= 75. Then, 30 divided by five is 6, because 6 x 5= 30.

 LI: to investigate the units of time.

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