Wednesday 28 August 2019

Reading | Questioning | Synthesis | Too much technology

LI: To separate fact from opinion

This week, each group read a different article and fill in the Synthesis boxes. In the prior knowledge box, we had to explain what we already knew linking to the topic of the article. In the new information box, it had to include an explanation of new information or facts that we learned after reading the article. In the new understandings, we had to summarise new understandings that we understood or a summary of a mix of the "New information" and "Prior knowledge" boxes. My group did an article called "Too much technology".

For the questioning google draw, we needed to answer 10 different questions which the answers link to 4 different areas; Right there, Think and search, Author and me & on my own. We had to arrange the answers into the right area depending on how the answer is found. For example: If a question is "What is the authors topic" and the answer says in the text "I will be talking about technology" then we have to put the answer as "right there" because the answer is right there in the text.

Then we had to make a small script to record a flip grid response talking about if we do or don't agree to the authors point of view and why using the synthesis research.

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