Wednesday 27 March 2019

Maths | Statistics | Mapping Zones

LI: to learn something about the class or school using statistics

This week we were learning to gather information to learn about things in PBS. In our maths groups we had to map out zones of places where students are most likely to sit and rest using the newest map of PBS available. We had to take a photo of the map on a google draw and polyline or shape places where people are most likely to sit and rest about the school and my group came up with 5 options. We had to zone them off by numbers from 1 to however many zones created.

After creating the draw, we had to make a google form asking where you would like to sit. Fale, Junior Shade, Library, LS1 or Rm 5 Area. This is based on using statistics to create this by thinking of 5 most popular places where students most sit and rest during Morning Tea, Lunch and other times.

What Is Statistics?
Statistics is analysing the numbers and figuring out the answer. Gathering information, making graphs and asking questions to find answers is part of statistics. Statistics is mainly based on Gathering the information and using it to answer questions and/or using others opinion to use for answers.

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