Wednesday 24 February 2021

Why do we use TEEL Paragraphs?

LI: to understand how TEEL paragraphs can help us structure our information and ideas in a paragraph.

Using the TEEL structure to write a paragraph allows people to learn more information about the chosen topic. When someone structures their paragraph with TEEL, it produces more complex information and it can be easier to understand the text. TEEL is the acronym for Topic sentence, Elaborate, Evidence and Link. 

A topic sentence introduces the major idea of the paragraph. Elaborating gives more information with finer detail for the reader to help understand what the text is about. Giving evidence supports the topic arguement and ideas throughout the paragraph. Linking the paragraphs help create a connection that gives the reader a hint about what the next paragraph is going to be about. A good paragraph has all the main points written and TEEL helps with that.

Writing most of the main points in a paragraph gives specific information and makes it much easier to connect to and understand. By doing this, people can access the information and share their opinion on the ideas.

I enjoyed this task because it gave me a clear understanding of what TEEL is and how I can use it in my explanations.

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