Friday 30 October 2020

Commenting Thread

Commenting Thread is an expanded conversation between two people that consists of a greeting, positive feedback and an open question. The different between an open question and a closed question is that an open question requires more thinking to give an answer and it expands the conversation. A closed question only needs a few words for an answer, and it does not expand the conversation.

This week I comment threaded with Leon on his blog post about persuasive speeches. The topic he chose for his speech was that children should have more gaming time because some games teach children life skills.

First, I asked him what games teach children life skills and what life skills they teach. Then he replied and asked if I had learnt any life skills in gaming and where I would use them. I gave an answer to his question and asked if he was familiar with the life skills I mentioned and if he had used those life skills before. He then gave an answer to my questions.

I enjoyed comment threading with Leon and I enjoyed learning about the different life skills children can learn from games.

 LI: to use open questions to expand a conversation.

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