Wednesday 18 September 2019

Kiwi Can | Resilience | Dealing with challenges

LI: to cope with challenges.

We learnt how to face our challenges and experience them in different point of views. We looked through at 3 different types of challenges and wrote about the feelings we might've or have felt when we faced that specific challenge. We figured out many different coping strategies in groups of three.

We reflected on the three different topics we did this term. The three topics were Emotions, Self Control/Self Discipline and now it is Dealing with challenges. We spoke about the meaning of all three and different types of possible experiences. We also discussed challenges within the three areas, physical, mental and social.

Physical is in reality and physically using your body. Mental means with your brain or mind. Social means your including in your emotions and interacting with other people.

Resilience means to cope with any challenge, bouncing back and never giving up. A challenge is a difficult task. Strategy is a way of solving something.

Theme - Resilience

Topic - Dealing with challenges

Catchphrase - "When there's a challenge, don't go over it, don't go under it, just go through it, and just do it!"


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