Thursday 26 July 2018

Kiwi Sport Swimming

Today, we did our first kiwi sport lesson for term three. The kiwi sport lesson was how to swim at the YMCA lagoon pools near panmure . Cameron and James were the instructors for today's session. Cameron taught in the shallow end and James taught in the deep end.

In swimming we got taught the straight kick. We had to hold out arms in and kick with our head facing down.We needed to reach the other platform without struggling as much as we could.Next we did the back stroke. The back stroke is when we had to keep our hands to our sides without using them, and we kicked with our feet above the water and our stomach out of the water. Then we played a game called 'ring race'. James threw two rings into the water and waited until they sank. Then James picked two competitors to dive under the water to grab the rings and swim to the next platform.

After the 'ring race' we got given a board to practice our kicks.We held onto our boards and put our heads in the water. We kicked under the water at medium speed.we used the board to  practice our kicking.For the final lesson we used our boards again for freestyle swimming. James then picked somebody to swim to the next platform doing a freestyle on their board. We didn't have enough time for everybody to have a go so we went back to school.

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