Friday 8 June 2018

Narritive: Respiratory System

Narrative: respiratory system 
 It’s Friday today and Florence’s feeling sick because she swallowed some dust in the storage room last Wednesday. Fau is the two lungs of Florence. 

“ Oh look at all this dusty grease inside of me” Exclaimed Fau. Fau tried to clean Florence's insides by carrying the carbon dioxide out of Florence's body.

 “ Do you even know what your job is?” Asked the nose.The nose’s name was Lorenzo. 

 “ Easy for you to say, all you have to do is pull air in and out of your nose” Argued Fau.

 “ Anyway, Good luck” Said Lorenzo in a cheeky sarcastic smile. 

 Florence stayed home on Friday. Fau huffed as much as she can and she blew most of the dust out. Little pieces of carbon dioxide floated around inside Fau. 

“ Hey, I can help! Im able to give you good oxygen and put a lot of the dust away and out of the body.” Said Airway Chris. “This is how I work!”

 Yelled Chris. “First the air goes through the mouth. The air then travels through the body.The airway is a group of pipes that carry the good oxygen to the lungs, they also remove the carbon dioxide and waste gas out of your lungs.Nose and linked are goes through the mouth, That’s only the first part”

 “Then, When you inhale (breath in) your lungs gather all of the air you inhaled and the airway sends the dirty air out of your body when you exhale (breath out).”“That’s how I work, your welcome Fau” Said Chris while doing the actions to his explaining. “ Well it would help a lot, thanks Airway” Said Fau.Chris Gathered the leftover dust that Florence swallowed and blew it out of he body. Chris then gave Fau the rich oxygen she needs to help Florence breathe. “Thanks Chris! You’ve been a big help.” 

Florence suddenly felt like she was no longer sick. She told her parents and she went to school even though she was late.

LI:To talk about the respiratory system in a story form using peoples names from LS1.

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