Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Wild Cat:  Character Study

Wild cat is mysterious because we do not get to know much about him.He is also cunning because he made a deal with the woman. She had to say 3 prays about him so he could,go into the cave ,sit by the fire and drink warm milk.He is also inquistive because he followed the wild dog because he wanted to know more of what he was doing.

Monday, 10 April 2017

Reflecting on Gymanstics

Gymnastics with Kane

What I liked most

What I found challenging

How I feel participating in gymnastics as helped me

  • I liked doing cartwheels
  • My favourite game was the  4 corners
  • I also liked doing the forward rolls

  • I found touching my toes to my head hard
  • Doing a straddle and crawling forward was very very hard.

Gymnastics  was very helpful because it helped make me flexible and it improved my fitness levels.Gymnastics helped me learn how to work together as a team. .It made me learn from other people as well.