Sunday 4 August 2019

Inquiry | MOTAT | STEAM | PBS School Trip

LI: To learn about technology and transportation.

MOTAT stands for, Museum of transport and technology. PBS senior students rode to MOTAT 
To learn about STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics). Before we
could begin, we were given the chance to explore around MOTAT. We discovered tons of olden-day methods of transport, communication and buildings with old artifacts.

Flash Light Constructing
Returning to the Mind Lab, Emma gave us a small task before we could start constructing.
We had to connect an LED light to a motor which had a cogwheel that we could spin/turn in 
order to gather enough energy that the LED light would turn on. There were two holes on the
top sides of the motor where we had to put the LED wires in too connect it to the motor. Once we successfully formed light with the LED we were able to construct our base and flashlight body with the building materials. We had the option of Axles, Rubber tips (For the Axles), White tips (To hold the Axles), platforms/walls and smaller + L shaped items. We had 30+ minutes to complete this task in groups of three. We needed to construct a system where we could turn the LED light on without having to turn the cogwheel.

Electric Cars
When we rotated, we changed to an activity where we had to build our own electric cars that ran on batteries. Kenza explained that cars can also run on batteries. This gave us an opportunity to create electric cars using batteries, a fan/propeller, cardboard, plastic wheels, battery holders, skewers, tape, and scissors. There was a prototype example of a fully completed electric car. Given the example, we partnered up and collaborated to create a fully operating electric car. The motor also had two holes on the top sides of it. One hole was for a negative wire and the other was for a positive wire. The battery holder had 2 wires on it, black and red. One of the wires was a negative wire which had to connect to the negative hole and a positive for the + hole on the motor.

Emma, Kenza and Damon/Damen from MOTAT taught us and explained to us information about STEAM, technology, and transportation.

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