Tuesday 15 December 2020

Summer Learning Journey | Day 1 | Activity 2 | Your Comment Counts

This activity encourages students and Summer Learning Journey participants to engage with other people and act on feedback that has been given to them.

The first step to this task was to watch a video that shows the features of a quality comment. They are: a warm greeting, positive feedback/compliments on the work, a connection or relation, helpful information or advice and an open question.

The Summer Learning Journey participants in LS1 looked through the blogposts of LS2 and Room 5 students and chose which blogpost to comment on. They created a document to help them craft a quality comment.

They first came up with an interesting greeting and gave positive feedback or talked about something they liked about the students work. Then, they made a connection and gave advice on how that person could improve something. After that, we asked an open question (which is a question that keeps the conversation going).

I commented on Keira's blogpost from Room 5 which talked about completing her first Summer Learning Journey activity. She told the audience what the activity was and summarised the main points of the activity. She also used rhetoric, which is a good skill to develop as it can be used in the future.

I really enjoyed giving feedback to Keira and starting a comment thread. I look forward to her reply and I can't wait to expand the conversation. I think I could work on giving more specific feedback so that people can have a clear understanding on what they should improve.

LI: to engage with someone and act on feedback.

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