Friday 14 February 2020

Cybersmart | Safe & Secure | S4fE p4s5.w0R_dz!

LI: to create a safe and secure password.

Today we talked about safe and secure passwords, what makes up a safe password, what passwords are why we need passwords. There are three things that make up a safe secure password. We need passwords to keep our private information to ourselves and to assure that nobody has access to our personal things such as our bank account and private messages.

What is a password: 
A password is an advanced and complex piece of text that is used to prevent anybody access to your private information. A password also protects your devices and allows you to have your privacy with things you don't want to be shared. If you turn the power on a laptop, for example, it may say that you need a code or password to access. This stops you from accessing the device.

There are good passwords and bad passwords. Good passwords are passwords that will be hard to guess. In some situations, somebody might want to access your device. That is where passwords come in. That person will try to guess your password, or most likely try to hack into your device. That person will also not be able to access your device if the password is strong and advanced. Here is an example: P4i!@.lm$aiO. 

A bad password is a password that is easy to guess and won't entirely secure your private information. An example of a bad password would be: CatDog123. It would be easy to guess. The firewall is a wall formation of your password that lives inside your device. It protects the ability to access your device.

A password must include:
To make a password difficult, you have to add in numbers, punctuation and capital letters so that it will be harder to guess. We would need to substitute some letters for numbers, symbols/punctuation and uppercased letters in random places of the password.

Sometimes we will need to replace letters for numbers. There are numbers that look similar to letters, so people usually use them to replace a letter in their password. Here are some examples!:

1 = l (lower case L)

2 = Z or z

3 = E or e

4 = A (upper-case)

5 = S or s

6 = b (lower-case)

7 = L (upside-down)

8 = B (upper-case)

9 = q (lower-case)

0 = O or o

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