Thursday 14 February 2019

Kiwisport | Week 2 | Ki o Rahi

LI: Learn the basics of Ki o Rahi

This week for Kiwi sport, a new Kiwisport Leader named Shanice showed us the legend of Rahi and Te Ara. A game was created and it was based on the actions of Rahi. the game was called 'Ki o Rahi'. 

About the Story
 In the story, Te Ara got taken away and Rahi wanted to get her back so Rahi built a big kite and tried to get to her. The god of wind blew Rahi down beside a big rock. Just then, a Taniwha named Utumai  tried to attack him. Rahi threw things At the Taniwha and then several of his teeth. Rahi's Father died and is now representing three stars. To protect Rahi, His father created a mote to save him. Rahi climbed up the big rock and into a cave. There, a person came out of the darkness. Te Ara was there approaching Rahi. Rahi was reliefed she was safe.

Game - Taniwha and Kiona

To play this game, the girls and boys were split up into teams. The girl team was named Taniwha and the Boys team was named Kiona. We had to line up in a straight line in our teams. When Shanice called out one of the team names, that team had to run to their side of the court and the other team had to try and tag them before they reached the end. This game is similar to Rats and Rabbits!

Game 2 - 8 Pass

To play 8 Pass, we had to be sorted into boys and girls teams again. We had to pass a ball to any of OUR teammates 8 times to score 1 Point. If we drop the ball on the ground then it's the other teams ball. If a team tries to intefere but makes the other team drop the ball, the team with the ball tries again. We were not aloud to pass to the same person twice in a row.

What we need to focus on

1. We need to Communicate with other people
2. Share the ball and work as a team
3. Spread out on the court.

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