LI: to give positive feedback
This week I commented on Chisa's blogpost about the Rugby World cup. She said that her task was to match the rugby players to the positions they play on the field. To find LS1 student's blogpost, go on the LS1 site and click on 'blogs'. This will take you to a page with names. Click on the name of the student you want to comment on.
I am a Year 7 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Thursday, 26 September 2019
Basic Facts Boxes
LI: to remember basic maths facts.
This week I did the Speed Demon challenge up to 20 again. I completed all 200 questions in both addition and subtraction. My time was 1 minute and 17 seconds. I have images above for proof.
This week I did the Speed Demon challenge up to 20 again. I completed all 200 questions in both addition and subtraction. My time was 1 minute and 17 seconds. I have images above for proof.
Inquiry | Places to visit in Japan |
LI: To apply inquiry, literacy and numeracy skills to learn about RWC.
For this activity, we needed to find 5 landmarks or places in Japan we would like to visit and research/find information online about the 5 chosen places. We had to include facts and a reason why we want to visit. This is a short slideshow including the 5 places with included information and answers. See end of slide for Objective summary.
Inquiry | Venn Diagram | Differences | Similarities | NZ | Japan
LI: apply inquiry, literacy and numeracy skills to learn about the RWC.
Our objective for this task was to do some research on New Zealand and Japan to find differences and similarities. We needed to have 2 or more differences and at least 1 similarity. One similarity I found out is that both Prime Ministers are politicians for their country.
Our objective for this task was to do some research on New Zealand and Japan to find differences and similarities. We needed to have 2 or more differences and at least 1 similarity. One similarity I found out is that both Prime Ministers are politicians for their country.
Reading/Writing | RWC Extra | Rugby profile & Performance
LI: To apply inquiry, literacy and numeracy skills to learn about the RWC.
In this activity, our objective was to choose a rugby player from any country and team and had to research and find information. The information we found had to answer 7 questions. Those 7 questions were, 'What country does this rugby player's team play for?', 'What is the name of your chosen player?', 'What is the D.O.B of this person?', 'What is this person's place of birth?', 'What position does this player play as?', 'What is her/his height?' and 'What is his/her weight?'. We had to do research to find out the answers to each of these questions. Once we finished doing research we had to add an image of the chosen player and find extra information to add on this document.
In this activity, our objective was to choose a rugby player from any country and team and had to research and find information. The information we found had to answer 7 questions. Those 7 questions were, 'What country does this rugby player's team play for?', 'What is the name of your chosen player?', 'What is the D.O.B of this person?', 'What is this person's place of birth?', 'What position does this player play as?', 'What is her/his height?' and 'What is his/her weight?'. We had to do research to find out the answers to each of these questions. Once we finished doing research we had to add an image of the chosen player and find extra information to add on this document.
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
Reading\Writing | RWC | Rugby Players
LI: To apply inquiry, literacy and numeracy skills to learn about the RWC
In this activity, we needed to link the correct players to the positions they play(ed) on field. Once we organised each player to their positions, we needed to include extra information about them. Some information like, how many caps/games they've played, their height, their weight, what their position does and maybe more information. We also needed to include photos of each player.
Inquiry | Rube Goldberg | Simple Machine
LI: To make a working Rube Goldberg machine with the 6 simple machines.
There are 6 simple machines. They are: Pulley, Screw, Inclined Plane, Wedge, Wheel and Axle and a Lever. We needed to use these 6 simple machines to create our own Rube Goldberg machines to complete one of three scenarios. The three scenarios we had to choose from I were: Tipping dice out of a cup, putting a ball into a cup and turning on a netbook. We needed to try to make a successful working Rube Goldberg machine using as many of the simple machines as we could. Rube Goldberg created machines to complete tasks in simple ways. The task we had to complete was trying to turn on a chromebook and the materials we used were four wooden shapes, one meter ruler,toy car, yoyo, container, string, and a cup..the simple machines we used were the pulley, lever, inclined plane, and a wheel and axle.
Some of the challenges we faced were trying to cooperate as a group and share ideas because everyone had different ideas and it was hard to keep up with all the different ideas.
Point of View
I think the reason our simple machine failed was because we kept changing things at the last minute and there were too many mistakes and un-observed parts to our machine. Something I think we could change or do differently is to test out the important parts to our machine and the kind of areas that set off other main parts to our machine.
Tuesday, 24 September 2019
Reading/Writing | RWC Challenge | Rugby Events
LI: To apply inquiry, literacy and numeracy skills to learn about the RWC.
There are many different rugby events all around New Zealand. We had to think of 3 different events that we could remember and write them down in the 3 boxes. We needed to provide images as well to show and portray a little of the event. We needed to include the date of the event, the type of event and what memories we had of that event. This includes 3 video links to part of the events.
View video links below.
Monday, 23 September 2019
Maths | Time | RWC Challenge
LI: To apply inquiry, literacy and numeracy skills to learn about the RWC
This year's rugby world cup is lasting 44 days and is taking place in Japan at 6pm. The task we had to do was linking to maths. We needed to find out what time it would be in different countries when Japan's time showed 6pm. For example: If it was 6pm in Japan, what time would it be in Australia? We had to find out the answers to 7 different countries.
AM stands for/means Anti Meridian. PM stands for/means Post Meridian. Anti Meridian means before mid-day. Post Meridian means after mid-day. We learnt that if a country is really big or large with multiple cities and continents it would have different time zones.
Friday, 20 September 2019
LI: to give positive feedback in comments.
This week I commented on Farzana's SSR Selfie which talked about a Geronimo Stilton book about a marathon. I found the summary she wrote interesting. To find LS1 Students blogs is to go on the LS1 site and click on blogs in the middle of the page.
This week I commented on Farzana's SSR Selfie which talked about a Geronimo Stilton book about a marathon. I found the summary she wrote interesting. To find LS1 Students blogs is to go on the LS1 site and click on blogs in the middle of the page.
Basic Facts
LI: to remember basic maths facts.
This week I did the Speed Demon challenge up to 20 and completed all 200 questions on this table. My time was 1 minute and 29 seconds (312 milliseconds). On this slide it shows the images for proof. I did addition and subtraction.
SSR Selfie 2019
LI: to summarise and retell a text.
This week I did an SSR Selfie on a book called 'A series of Unfortunate Events'. A summary of what happens in the story: Violet, Klaus and Sunny are orphaned children whos parents died in a fire. An evil man is plotting to try adopt or marry one or more of the children to claim their fortune. The Baudaelaire's have a connection to many different people but there's something linked to a telescope and an eye which solves the mystery to what really happened to their parents.
To find out what happens next, You can find this book in LS1 in work space 2 under the big whiteboard in the Withdrawn box.
This week I did an SSR Selfie on a book called 'A series of Unfortunate Events'. A summary of what happens in the story: Violet, Klaus and Sunny are orphaned children whos parents died in a fire. An evil man is plotting to try adopt or marry one or more of the children to claim their fortune. The Baudaelaire's have a connection to many different people but there's something linked to a telescope and an eye which solves the mystery to what really happened to their parents.
To find out what happens next, You can find this book in LS1 in work space 2 under the big whiteboard in the Withdrawn box.
Writing | Advertisements | Thneeds
LI: To create an advert using knowledge and skills we have learnt.
Our task for this week was to advertise a Thneed. A Thneed is an object or product in the movie 'The Lorax' and is also made out of the tufts of truffula trees. We had to advertise the thneed on a poster including what a thneed can do and the thneed shown on the draw. Since the Lorax was designed by Dr. Suess, we attempted to rhyme with the information so that it would showcase a part of Dr. Suess as it is rightfully his/her creation. We did this in groups and my group was, Farzana, Charlize, Angelica, Alayah and me.
Thursday, 19 September 2019
Reading | Faulty Reasoning
LI: to understand faulty reasoning
There are 5 different types/areas of faulty reasoning. Those 5 areas of faulty reasoning are: Illogical/simplified assumption, circular reasoning, over-generalization, biased argument and contradiction.
Our task for reading this week was to identify the different areas of faulty reasoning. First, we had to arrange different texts into the right positions and and areas. Next we were given 12 different sentences and had to identify which of the 5 faulty reasons were used in the sentences.
We were given 3 different texts in which we had to find 5 or less faulty reasonings and put in which area or sentence(s) we found the faulty reason. We did this for three different texts.
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
Kiwi Can | Resilience | Dealing with challenges
LI: to cope with challenges.
We learnt how to face our challenges and experience them in different point of views. We looked through at 3 different types of challenges and wrote about the feelings we might've or have felt when we faced that specific challenge. We figured out many different coping strategies in groups of three.
We reflected on the three different topics we did this term. The three topics were Emotions, Self Control/Self Discipline and now it is Dealing with challenges. We spoke about the meaning of all three and different types of possible experiences. We also discussed challenges within the three areas, physical, mental and social.
Physical is in reality and physically using your body. Mental means with your brain or mind. Social means your including in your emotions and interacting with other people.
Resilience means to cope with any challenge, bouncing back and never giving up. A challenge is a difficult task. Strategy is a way of solving something.
Theme - Resilience
Topic - Dealing with challenges
Catchphrase - "When there's a challenge, don't go over it, don't go under it, just go through it, and just do it!"
Tuesday, 17 September 2019
Maths | Art | Geometric Landscape
LI: to learn and look after money by creating with maths
This is a geometric landscape. It’s structure is made of different shaped and sized triangles. The height of this piece of art is 33.7cm and the width is 20cm. The area of this geometric landscape is 674cm2 exactly.
Geometric Landscape is a piece of art made with different shapes which are usually triangles or prisms. It also sometimes includes shading. A geometric landscape is a popular art style used by many artists across the world. I attempted to make my own piece of geometric landscape art using maths, measurements and calculations to complete it.
Friday, 13 September 2019
SSR Selfie
LI: to summarise and retell a text.
The Geronimo Stilton book series is a range of different and interesting stories including drama, action and such. The book I read is from Geronimo Stilton and is called 'The Hunt for the Colosseum Ghost'. A summary of this story is:
Geronimo finds out that Benjamin is failing at history and decides to take him to Rome so that Benjamin can learn more at history and memorise the information. When they get to Rome, Geronimo is assigned on a secret mission to find out about the Gladiator ghost that haunts the Colosseum. To find more about what happens in this story, you can find this book in the fiction section under STI because they are the first three letters of the authors last name.
The Geronimo Stilton book series is a range of different and interesting stories including drama, action and such. The book I read is from Geronimo Stilton and is called 'The Hunt for the Colosseum Ghost'. A summary of this story is:
Geronimo finds out that Benjamin is failing at history and decides to take him to Rome so that Benjamin can learn more at history and memorise the information. When they get to Rome, Geronimo is assigned on a secret mission to find out about the Gladiator ghost that haunts the Colosseum. To find more about what happens in this story, you can find this book in the fiction section under STI because they are the first three letters of the authors last name.
Maths | Geometric Landscape | WIP
LI: to earn and look after money by creating with maths.
A geometric landscape is a piece of art that is made with straight lines and possibly circular and other shapes. I used triangles as the main shape of my art piece. I used cold colours for the sky, warm colours for the mountains and green shades for the ground.
We needed to calculate the length and height of our canvas/art framing. We used a meter ruler and a protractor to make our lining result exactly straight. Within the shape would be our frame. The protractor was used at the 90 degree angle to make sure that the measurement and calculation of our art frame exactly straight.
We made our geometric landscape art using a ruler or a meter ruler to get our straight lines. We needed to make sure that the lines for our art weren't to dark because in geometric art, there aren't lines on the mountains/art. Then we could colour in our art pieces. This piece of art is a work in progress. There are still a few points and assets to be added to complete this artwork.
Thursday, 12 September 2019
Kiwi Sport | Water Safety | Swimming
LI: to adapt to water safety
The year 5's from LS1 took a bus to the YMCA public swimming centre to learn water safety. Each group was introduced to new swimming instructors. My new group instructor is Keryn. She is James's replacement for this week.
We practised our streamline and backstroke. There are a few main parts to do a streamline and backstroke. They are:
- One hand over the other.
- Arms behind your ears.
- Don't take your arms apart unless getting air.
- Be sure you don't tilt and keep your head straight. (Try not to wobble it to much).
How to breathe (Streamline)
- Take your arms apart and tilt your head to the side.
- Use circled arm streamline when breathing.
- Put arms back into Streamline after breather.
- Float on your back.
- Move your arms in circles one at a time.
- Make sure your thumb(s) are/is the first to come up out of the water.
- Rotate your hand so your pinky/smallest finger is the first to go back into the water.
- Be sure you don't tilt and keep your head straight. (Try not to wobble it to much).
Water Safety
It's important to know the ways of water safety. This is because in situations with deep water, you will be able to with-stand this situation and prevent danger to yourself or another. Take the ocean as an example. If you know how to swim, you could stop yourself from drowning in deep parts of the ocean. If you hadn't learnt how to swim, this could have caused a very problematic and dangerous situation. We learn water safety because it will have an impact on future situations.
Writing | Advertising (3.0) | Analysing
LI: To learn about persuasive tools in advertising.
This week, we had to find an advertisement of one of our favourite items/things. We had to answer 5 questions about the advertisement we had chosen. The 5 questions were:
1. Who is the author?
2. What is the purpose of the message?
3. What techniques are used to attract and hold your attention?
4. What point of view is represented in this message?
5. What information or points of view may be missing from this message?
The advertisement I chose had a celebrity endorser. The celebrity they used in this advertisement was Kevin Hart. Kevin Hart was used as the father of a daughter. The partner of the daughter is ready for a 'First Date' and Kevin Hart lends the keys to his new car for the date. Kevin Hart has a 'Hyundai Blue Link' and uses it to track down the car and wherever the boy and his daughter goes.
The main point of this advertisement is to show people that the Hyundai Blue Link can track down your car anywhere it goes. It's easy to use and also works as a key and watch.
Wednesday, 11 September 2019
Reading | Synthesis | Questioning | Beat Bullying!
LI: To separate fact from opinion.
Like all the other weeks, we were introduced to another article. The article I have done is called "Beat bullying". This article is a persuasive text which talks about bullying and why we should stop it. It talks about what bullying does to children and how it could have an impact. I agree that we should stop bullying and start being welcoming and positive.
Duffy Assembly | Jamie Wall

At this Duffy Assembly, we were introduced to Jamie Wall. Jamie is somebody who documents sports and writes about many different sport games and publishes them online to be read. Jamie is originally from wellington and works for Radio New Zealand, Stuff, Maori TV and News-hub.
At the age of 9, Jamie's father had bought 2 copies of the same book. The book was called 'Men in black'. It was a book about all and every all black's game which included the players, the scores, results and information like such. Jamie's father offered the extra book. Jamie took the book and started reading it. Once he had finished, he kept reading it over and over until he had memorised all the information.
Years later, Jamie heard that a job offering had come up which was to document sports games. Before they could accept him, they asked questions about what he knew. This is when the book came in handy. They answered questions and every single one he answered was correct. Thanks to the contents of the book 'Men in black', he has a job in which he watches from the best seat of sports games and writes about his point of view and the game.
This Inspiration led to Jamie becoming the author of a book called 'Brothers in black'. Brothers in black is a book about the brothers that play in the all blacks and the long brotherhood in NZ rugby. Originally published on 5th of August 2019.
Kiwi Can | Resilience | Dealing with challenges
LI: to deal with challenges.
We need to practice dealing with challenges and to deal with them easily in the future. Our activity this week was picture bus stop. This activity helped us by noticing the different challenges shown and to focus on the different ways that we can handle and/or accomplish our challenges. We had a discussion about different challenges we might face or have faced and how we might or what we had done to solve or resolute to the challenge.
Activity - Picture Bus Stop
To play Picture Bus Stop, there are different groups and in the different groups are a big piece of paper and a pen/pencil/felt/marker etc. The groups are given a photo with a various situation or challenge. We had to explain or write down what we thought the challenge was and what it made the person(s) in the photo feel. Frustrated, Angry, Sad etc.
There were different photos and we had 2 minutes to complete writing down what we thought was portrayed in the photo. Then each group swapped photos and again, wrote down what they thought was in the photo.
Dealing with challenges means to co-operate with the challenges you set for yourself and what other people have set for you and trying to complete them willingly. Resilience means to cope with your tasks, bounce back at mistakes and never give up on yourself.
Theme - Resilience
Module - Dealing with Challenges
Catchphrase - Kiwi Can says, when there's a challenge, don't go over it, don't go under it, just go through it, and just do it!
We need to practice dealing with challenges and to deal with them easily in the future. Our activity this week was picture bus stop. This activity helped us by noticing the different challenges shown and to focus on the different ways that we can handle and/or accomplish our challenges. We had a discussion about different challenges we might face or have faced and how we might or what we had done to solve or resolute to the challenge.
Activity - Picture Bus Stop
To play Picture Bus Stop, there are different groups and in the different groups are a big piece of paper and a pen/pencil/felt/marker etc. The groups are given a photo with a various situation or challenge. We had to explain or write down what we thought the challenge was and what it made the person(s) in the photo feel. Frustrated, Angry, Sad etc.
There were different photos and we had 2 minutes to complete writing down what we thought was portrayed in the photo. Then each group swapped photos and again, wrote down what they thought was in the photo.
Dealing with challenges means to co-operate with the challenges you set for yourself and what other people have set for you and trying to complete them willingly. Resilience means to cope with your tasks, bounce back at mistakes and never give up on yourself.
Theme - Resilience
Module - Dealing with Challenges
Catchphrase - Kiwi Can says, when there's a challenge, don't go over it, don't go under it, just go through it, and just do it!
Friday, 6 September 2019
Maths | Art | Geometric Landscape
LI: To measure length and calculate perimeter and area.
We learnt how to calculate area, perimeter, width and length. They are 4 different ways to measure. An explanation of each would be:This week for art I am doing geometric landscape I used the triangle shape for my sketch.
The area is the space inside a shape or your targeted object. For example, a 3 by 3 pixelated square. The area of the shape would be 1. This is because the only remaining inside square, excluding the outer squares equals to 1.
Perimeter is the outline or the outer layer of something. If you take your hand as an example, the perimeter would be your skin. The reason for this is because the 1st layer or the outer layer of your hand is skin.
The width is how wide or thick/thin. If something is really wide, the width result would be a large number (most likely in decimals). Wide is another way of saying width, but is used with different vocabulary. Examples: This apple is WIDE. The WIDTH of this pencil is 9cm.
Length meaning how long something is. If we see the length of the skytower, is 328 meters/1,076 ft. The length is the mathematical way (or another way) of saying tall.
Basic Facts Boxes
LI: to remember basic maths facts.
The challenge I did this week was the SPEED DEMON challenge. I did all 200 questions within 1 minute and 17 seconds. The SPEED DEMON challenge is where you have to complete as many boxes from 5, 10, 20 or 100 while timing yourself with an online stopwatch.
LI: To post a positive comment.
This week I commented on Chisa's reading blogpost. Her blogpost was about a persuasive article which was speaking about how we should stop eating junkfood. She included a QAR which was used to separate the 10 question answers of the article into the 4 reading areas: Right there, Think and search, author and me/you & on my own.
SSR Selfie 2019
LI: to summarise a text
This week I looked into a book called Horrible Histories. It's a book that talks about the crazy and horrible histories of our planet and entire generation. I found this book of interest to me because it was talking about facts and things that our family bloodline's did in the past. SSR Selfie is about reading a book and being able to talk about it. SSR Selfie also includes a selfie with your book.
Thursday, 5 September 2019
Cybersmart | Print Design Rules | 6 Simple Machines
LI: To apply the print design rules.
There are four areas of the print design rules which are: Colour, layout, text & composition. We had to use the print design rules to create a poster about one of the 6 simple machines we have learned about over the term. The 6 simple machines are: Inclined plane, Wedge, Pulley, Lever, Wheel & Axle and a screw. We had to include the definition of our chosen machine, how it works, examples and (attributed) pictures to fit onto this DLO.
Reading | Synthesis | Questioning | Article
Writing | Advertising/Advertisement
LI: to learn about persuasive tools in advertising.
We were learning about what is used in advertisements and companies. There are many required things used to draw in peoples attention in both companies and adverts. Some of them are:
1. Spokesperson / Mascot
2. Celebrity Endorsement
3. Slogans
4. Staged advertisements.
A Spokesperson is the main character(s) of a specific product within a company. Celebrity Endorsement is when advertisements use celebrities to showcase products. Take the All Blacks for example. They are celebrity endorsements for Weet-Bix. Slogans are a short phrase that give a small brief description of the company. Like Bunnings Warehouse, "Lowest prices are just the beginning". Staged advertisements are when companies use items to display their products as if they were fit for royal. An example of staged advertisement is when people use plastic ice cubes for drink ads.
We needed to first write our point of view of Spokespeople and celebrity endorsements. Next we had to find slogans within the 4 catagories. Then we had to make a custom slogan about PBS then list some tools people use in advertisements and what they do.
Wednesday, 4 September 2019
Kiwi Can | Resilience | Challenges
LI: To deal with challenges.
This week we were focusing on challenges. We were introduced to our new topic: "Dealing with challenges". A challenge is a difficult task that you have to complete. In our activity, we had to face a challenge where we had to use 6 shapes to make a cross or plus sign. We could not cut out the shapes. We were given a big piece of paper and a pencil, pen or felt to draw the shapes in ways we thought it could make the needed result.
Play this puzzle to see how you close you can get it to a plus/cross.
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