LI: For reading we were learning about myths,legends and fairy tales and what they have in common as well as the differences between them. I used a three circled venn diagram to tell the different things between them and what they are. I also used the three circled venn diagram to tell the similarity between them. I learned that they all can include history and include something fake. A fairy tale is a made up story with elements of fantastic function and includes a lesson. A Legend is something that tells the history of a famous creature, animal,person or event and how it worked. A myth is something that can confuse people, but also tells history about global and out of this world information.
I am a Year 7 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Tuesday, 31 July 2018
Myths, Legends and Fairy Tales
LI: For reading we were learning about myths,legends and fairy tales and what they have in common as well as the differences between them. I used a three circled venn diagram to tell the different things between them and what they are. I also used the three circled venn diagram to tell the similarity between them. I learned that they all can include history and include something fake. A fairy tale is a made up story with elements of fantastic function and includes a lesson. A Legend is something that tells the history of a famous creature, animal,person or event and how it worked. A myth is something that can confuse people, but also tells history about global and out of this world information.
Friday, 27 July 2018
Visualising and Questioning
Visualising and Questioning
- Choose a book to work with.
- Pick a scene to question and visualise.
- Note the book and scene information below.
- Ask a question to develop your understanding of the scene.
- Attempt to answer your question.
- Draw the scene you chose and insert it into this document.
Book title
Dragon Slayers Academy 2 Revenge of the dragon lady
Scene location
Pg 48- 49
Why did Wiglaf think it was the last day of his life?
Answer (if any)
Because he hated getting bullied for his puffy pants.
Answer location
Pg 49
Book title
Beast Quest The winged terror
Scene location
Why was Tom studying the six tokens?
Answer (if any)
Answer location
Book title
G-Force Top Secret
Scene location
How did G-Force get in the empty cage?
Answer (if any)
Answer location
Book title
Scene location
Why were people at the beach with handkerchiefs on their faces?
Answer (if any)
They didn’t want to get their faceburnt
Answer location
What is Media?
LI: What Is media
For cybersmart we learned about media. We learned about what Media is and what is does. Media can be a source of technology.
Fraction Animation
LI: For maths we had to use fractions to make wholes and leftovers. We used our own knowledge to know what we do and dont know and use a fraction we have never been taught.
Film Festival Planner
LI: For writing I wrote a film festival plan for the film festival. I wrote a parody on the Ls1 minute to win it olympics.
Thursday, 26 July 2018
Kiwi Sport Swimming
Today, we did our first kiwi sport lesson for term three. The kiwi sport lesson was how to swim at the YMCA lagoon pools near panmure . Cameron and James were the instructors for today's session. Cameron taught in the shallow end and James taught in the deep end.
In swimming we got taught the straight kick. We had to hold out arms in and kick with our head facing down.We needed to reach the other platform without struggling as much as we could.Next we did the back stroke. The back stroke is when we had to keep our hands to our sides without using them, and we kicked with our feet above the water and our stomach out of the water. Then we played a game called 'ring race'. James threw two rings into the water and waited until they sank. Then James picked two competitors to dive under the water to grab the rings and swim to the next platform.
After the 'ring race' we got given a board to practice our kicks.We held onto our boards and put our heads in the water. We kicked under the water at medium speed.we used the board to practice our kicking.For the final lesson we used our boards again for freestyle swimming. James then picked somebody to swim to the next platform doing a freestyle on their board. We didn't have enough time for everybody to have a go so we went back to school.
In swimming we got taught the straight kick. We had to hold out arms in and kick with our head facing down.We needed to reach the other platform without struggling as much as we could.Next we did the back stroke. The back stroke is when we had to keep our hands to our sides without using them, and we kicked with our feet above the water and our stomach out of the water. Then we played a game called 'ring race'. James threw two rings into the water and waited until they sank. Then James picked two competitors to dive under the water to grab the rings and swim to the next platform.
After the 'ring race' we got given a board to practice our kicks.We held onto our boards and put our heads in the water. We kicked under the water at medium speed.we used the board to practice our kicking.For the final lesson we used our boards again for freestyle swimming. James then picked somebody to swim to the next platform doing a freestyle on their board. We didn't have enough time for everybody to have a go so we went back to school.
Film Festival Writing plan
Film Festival planner
The LS1 Olympic argument Orientation - . Everyone from learning space 1 and the teachers go to the hall and sit down on their chairs ready for the Olympics. “, The rules of the Olympics are: You all have to try to complete the activities under 1 minute, you all have to have a turn and you can’t cheat or you will be disqualified”, said Mr. Wong as he was fidgeting with his hands. We started the game Problem Chloe and Kelsey plays a bit dicey.Chloe makes Kelsey’s dice fall off her stick. Chloe and Kelsey competes in a game of a bit dicey. Chloe doesn’t want Kelsey to win the activity so she bumps the table ,knocking Kelsey’s dice of her Popsicle stick. Kelsey gets mad at Chloe. “ Chloe! Don't! It’s not fair! “ Kelsey shouted to Chloe. Kelsey then knocks down Chloe’s Dice on the ground and Chloe shouts to Kelsey back “ I didn't do anything! Why did you knock my dice down!”. ‘ Because you knocked my dice down! “ Kelsey kept arguing with Chloe. Events They start to argue with each other. The teachers separate them. Kelsey couldn’t blow the last cup because it wasn’t on the edge of the table. Chloe got bored waiting for Kelsey to blow out the final cup down.`
Chloe and Kelsey then start to argue with each other over a game. The teachers then separated the two from each other. The next game was this blows, It was Chloe’s turn and she blew all her cups down except for the last cup. Kelsey got really impatient to wait for Chloe, so Kelsey walks over and knocks down Chloe’s last cup “Hey!! What was that for?!” Said Chloe. “You were being so slow so I knocked it over!”. Said Kelsey. Chloe got mad at her and then it was Kelsey’s turn, Kelsey was finished blowing down 5 cups but then Chloe came over and bumps the table on purpose and all the cups go flying across the hall”CHLOE!! Why Did you do that to me!” Exclaimed Kelsey “Because you knocked my Cup Down!” Exclaimed Chloe. Solution Kelsey said sorry to Chloe for scaring her and making her bump onto the table. Chloe also said sorry to Kelsey.
Kelsey was feeling sad for Chloe because Kelsey was dropping the last cup. Kelsey then went up to Chloe and said “I’m Sorry Chloe, I was just really Impatient” . “I’m Sorry too, I did it for revenge, but bad revenge” Replied Chloe.
Friday, 6 July 2018
Boost Kahoot
Boost Kahoot
LI: We had to read and understand the story boost. Then we had to use google forms or kahoot to make a quiz using author and me and on my own questions with ten questions.
Quiz Day!
LI: We had to reflect on what we did and have done for the quiz. I learned about the systems with my group.
Thursday, 5 July 2018
The Silent Red Book | Dialog & Monologue
LI:The intention was to watch a video called the silent red book and write the lyrics on a DLO to replace the wordless pages with words.
Matariki celebration day
On matariki everybody went to the junior area to watch the music and dance groups preform. At the end we ate sausages and played in school.
ASB Getwise session
LI: Was to learn how to save and spend money while growing up in a way it can still be safe.
I learned about the C.A.S.H goal. This getwise session taught me how to understand when im suppost to spend and save money when Im older.
Wednesday, 4 July 2018
L.i is to make a poster about Matariki
Today we learnt about Matariki. We made a poster about Matariki wand what it is about. I talked about what I learnt, How I learnt, what its about and other things. This is a research, collaborating and Team work activity. To do this activity we had to look at MRS Anderson's slide to get some information and then make our own information using her information but in our own words. I also researched a little bit to get some: KEY information so I could write more about Matariki. Matariki is a special celebration in Maori. Matariki is part of the Maori New Year. I am Maori Myself so I like to celebrate Matariki by eating dinner but with my whole family. For the Slide we learnt about the Matariki 7 stars. We forgot to do the summary. We learnt the same as the poster but the 7 stars. THIS IS FINISHED WORK!!!
Matariki Poster
LI:The learning Intention was to collaborate in a group to talk about the matariki celebration and what it's about.This poster is about how the mataiki and the seven stars work.
LS1 and LS2 needed to work together and make DLOs about matariki. I learned about the seven sisters and what they do.LS1 worked in LS2 to collaborate and find information out about matariki new year celebrations.
The Matariki slides = Slides
Tuesday, 3 July 2018
M&M Fraction
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